The Next Door.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We finally uploaded our Neighbour's pictures. Let's CLAP for them, for being so motivated and caring to allow us to take a picture of them. Man, you rocks! ;DDDD.

Photobucket Here's our first neighbour!!! Thanks, we thought we couldn't get any, but lucky you raised our hopes. ;DDD. LOL!

Photobucket And our 2nd interviewed neighbour... :DDD, don't look at my face, it's hideous, I was bearing my laugh because of someone... > <

Photobucket 3rd neighbour... Well... This isn't an indian neighbour though, just a Philipinos. We really searched almost the whole flat for an Indian race neighbour. But unfortunately, they are all either not at home, or rejected us. Well, but this neighbour is quite good though, invited us over her house. ;DDD, cause we are close. LOL! > <

Here's the job arrangements, to make sure we aren't slacking, and to make sure we did our part! :D
`Zong Han: Leader; Camera Man; English Communicater
`Darren: Chinese COmmunicater Helper
`Conor: Note Jotter; Persuader (Persuade the neighbours to get interview. xP) (Glib Tongue)xDDD
`ZhiYi: Presenter
`Min Ru: Blog Creator; Chinese Communicater

P.S. Sorry for my lousy English and singlish. > <. Thanks. ;DDD

Y5:30 AM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This blog is officially created for 1E3's project work. Currently using it for CME. So yea...

Y5:48 AM


E3 group workers here:D
` Zong Han
` Darren
` Conor
` Zhiyi
` Min Ru